dose duet firmware support auto bed compensation for machines that only have one z motor, that drives two+ lead screws via belt? have a fusion3 f410 printer an it seams it dosn’t compensate the bed with its probe points, also seams they have miss coded the bed.g
G1 X3 Y3 F6000
G30 P0 Z-100000 ; probe bed
G1 X0 Y354 F6000 ; move to second probe point
G30 P1 Z-100000 ; probe
G1 X353 Y354 F6000 ; move to third probe point
G30 P2 Z-100000 ; probe
G1 X353 Y1 F6000 ; move to fourth probe point
G30 P3 Z-100000 S ; probe and calculate offset
G1 X1 Y1 Z10 F4000
from what i read on your support pages, one must call ex “G30 x0 y0 z-99999 s0”