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This overview helps you get started with Dozuki and shows you the benefits of using Dozuki for your documentation. The foundation for any good manual is clear and effective step-by-step documentation. Guides allow you to easily illustrate technical procedures to any audience. Our guide creation tools make it easy to write, edit, and publish guides.

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How can I change the Guide Type?

I am exploring the options of guide types to help organize my content better. This is a feature I had over looked and am now realizing may be very helpful.

A guide type can be selected when it is first created, but I can not figure out how to change this on existing guides.

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Hi, Forrest!

Thanks for your question! In the management console under the Configuration section, you will see the General sub-section. Within the General section, you will see the "Guidebook" option. Click on the Edit button on the Guide groups section, located under "Guidebook" and select the guide types you want on your site. Once you save this, you will be able to choose from the different guide types you've selected when creating and editing your guides. To change the guide type of a guide you've already created, click on the Introduction tab in the editing interface and it will be the first field. :-)

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Thank you!

to be clear the types are all predesignated and I can't create my own titles for them. right?


No problem! And, right now, that's correct.


Is it possible to change the name of "Guide Types".

Or in general, does Dozuki come with a Phrase manager where we can change the phrases to fit the needs? or all the phrases hard coded?



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1) Is it possible to change the name of "Guide Types".

Or in general, does Dozuki come with a Phrase manager where we can change the phrases to fit the needs? or all the phrases hard coded?

2) Is there a CSS syntax for these guide types so that I can tweek for format for specific guide -types.

In specific I would like to write a CSS that if "guide-type = troubleshooting"

.stepDash {

display: none;


.stepValue {

display: none


thanks a lot!

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Guide type names cannot be changed and there is no phrase manager as far as I know.

You could try contacting your Customer Success Manager to see if they can have some Phrases changed for your site.

I've had to do some CSS hacking for a few things I wanted to adjust but it's not ideal.


I could not find a Guide-type class or id used in the css of the guide page. The best solution I could figure out uses individual guide-id's so you'd have to edit the CSS for each guide you want to remove numbers from. This example removes the numbers from guides with id's 1 & 2:

/* Removes Guide Step Numbers for specific guides by GuideId */

#guideMain[data-guideid="1"] span:nth-of-type(n+3):nth-child(-n+4),

#guideMain[data-guideid="2"] span:nth-of-type(n+3):nth-child(-n+4),


display: none;


NOTE: another method would be:

#guideMain[data-guideid="1"] .stepValue,

#guideMain[data-guideid="1"] .stepDash,

#guideMain[data-guideid="2"] .stepValue,

#guideMain[data-guideid="2"] .stepDash


display: none;



Thanks a lot Forrest!


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