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Approved GTM

by Robert Sprankle


This is a basic overview of how to use the functions of Dozuki's Quiz maker, as well as a few important things to keep in mind when authoring.

What Happens When I Create a Quiz?

When a guide exists on its own in a course stage without an associated quiz, the only action on the course assignee's part is a simple acknowledgement of reading. This can be useful if the assignee only needs to know about the process in the guide, but to really ensure they know a process, a quiz is far more effective.

Since adding a Quiz to a guide makes that guide a more involved part of Dozuki's training experience, this comes with a few important changes in behavior:

  • The "END OF COURSE STAGE" checkbox reading "I acknowledge and agree to the information outlined in this document" will no longer appear, as this is presumed by the quiz being submitted.
  • If a guide is assigned to a course stage, completion of that course stage is now solely dependent on that guide's quiz. Work orders will not apply.
  • Passing a quiz functions as a permanent "Certificate" that exists in the system for that user. Unlike for work orders, grading happens automatically!

Quizzes are also subject to all of the behavior and management actions that apply to Courses, such as invalidation, recurrence, and manual completion.

  1. To begin creating a quiz, click on the Quiz tab in Edit view.
    • To begin creating a quiz, click on the Quiz tab in Edit view.

    • If a quiz already exists for the guide, it can be edited from here. Otherwise, click Create a Quiz to open the quiz builder.

    • Keep in mind that creating a new quiz or editing an existing quiz creates a new draft of the associated guide!

  2. Text fields: Enter the title of your quiz, and enter text for questions and answers.
    • Text fields: Enter the title of your quiz, and enter text for questions and answers.

    • Add Question: Click Add Question to add a question directly to the quiz (defaults to number input)

    • Use the three dots on the Add Question button to set the question type before adding. A drop-down menu on the question itself

    • View Modes: Click Preview to see what your quiz will look like for the quiz-taker, then click Designer to resume editing.

    • Click and drag: Click and drag on the six-dot symbols to reorder questions within the quiz.

    • Required: When a quiz question is set as Required, the quiz-taker must input an answer before submitting the quiz.

    • Delete: Deletes the question. You will not be asked to confirm deletion, so exercise caution.

    • Exit: Every created question must have a correct answer set before you can save. If you choose to exit without saving, you will still have to confirm you want to discard your edits.

  3. These four buttons, Survey Settings, Panel, Correct Answer, and Settings are all shortcuts to different parts of the Panel, an overlay on the right side of the page that provides a more detailed way to edit an individual question. To set, change, or clear a correct answer, scroll down in the Panel and click on Answer Data. Click Set (or Change) Correct Answer to bring up a new modal where you can define the correct answer.
    • These four buttons, Survey Settings, Panel, Correct Answer, and Settings are all shortcuts to different parts of the Panel, an overlay on the right side of the page that provides a more detailed way to edit an individual question.

    • To set, change, or clear a correct answer, scroll down in the Panel and click on Answer Data.

    • Click Set (or Change) Correct Answer to bring up a new modal where you can define the correct answer.

    • Most of the functions in the Panel can be accomplished on the main editing screen, but the correct answer will have to be defined in the Panel.

    • Click Set (or Change) Correct Answer to bring up a new modal where you can define the correct answer.

    • On true/false or multiple choice questions, simply select the correct answer and click Apply.

    • On Numerical value questions, enter the parameter manually in the new modal's text field.

    • In certain situations, you may wish to set a Tolerance range for a certain numerical value. This is useful when the author-defined correct answer will represent a perfect value, while anything within the tolerance range is still acceptable, such as to pass a quality check.

    • You cannot save or exit the Quiz editor unless all questions have a correct answer defined.

    • The relevant error dialog does not specify which questions are missing correct answers, so be especially aware of this when creating longer quizzes.

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Dozuki System

Member since: 09/24/2009

1 Reputation

184 Guides authored

One Comment

My quiz is not showing up for users, but shows in my admin portal. Any recommendations?

August Christhilf - Reply

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